CABORCA, MEXICO, June 5th, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) announced that progress at the Santa Elena mine continues towards the goal of becoming a producing mine. Our geologist, Cesar Lemas, has spent the last few weeks analyzing all aspects at the mine and has produced a technical report which includes an operating plan. The Santa Elena mine has processed 16,000 tons of ore from Vein 2 which was the blasted material to a ...
Continue Reading →Santa Elena Project Update
CABORCA, SONORA STATE, MEXICO, May 15th, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) gave an update on its Santa Elena project located near Caborca, Mexico. The project continues as expected with the usual growing pains for an expanding miner. Our joint venture and operating partner for the project, MarMar Holdings, has made consistent and steady progress at the mine site. To date, MarMar has constructed two holding ponds, a heap ...
Continue Reading →Mexus confirms status at Santa Elena project
CABORCA, SONORA STATE, MEXICO, May 1st, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) has noted through communications from a few of its shareholders that it appears there are numerous misleading and undocumented statements which have been made in various forms of media. The Company realizes in today’s environment statements such as these are easily published without sufficient supporting documentation and data and may be made with the intent to influence our shareholders in a negative ...
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Mexus smelts first gold at Santa Elena mine
CABORCA, SONORA STATE, MEXICO, April 24th, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) announced that on Saturday, April 22nd, CEO Paul Thompson observed the first smelting of precipitate at its Santa Elena mine. “This test run went well resulting in a small amount of dore. The crew will be fine tuning the temperature of the furnace, adjusting the flux mixture, and installing a more precise weighing system. These are normal steps for a start-up and ...
Continue Reading →Mexus producing gold at its Santa Elena mine
CABORCA, SONORA STATE, MEXICO, April 17th, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) confirmed that it is producing gold at its Santa Elena mine. The first part of the mining plan is now complete with Pad #1 actively leaching gold, new mineralized material being place on pad #2, and the Merrill Crowe gold recovery plant now operational. We will be smelting and selling dore in the near future and will release results when prudent. The ...
Continue Reading →CEO Paul Thompson interviewed by Jasyn Blair of Uptick Newswire
CEO Paul Thompson was recently interviewed by Jasyn Blair of Uptick Newswire. Mr. Thompson gave an update on the Santa Elena, San Felix, and Ures mines. The interview can be heard following the attached link.
Paul Thompson Uptick Interview
Continue Reading →Gold returning to the pregnant solution pond better than expected at Santa Elena mine
CARSON CITY, Nev., March20th, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) announced that the initial assay results of the cyanide solution returning to the holding pond is better than expected. On-site engineers have been collecting samples at the outflow pipe twice a day for lab testing. The numbers equate to an average grade for all assays of 1 gram per ton entering the pond.
“This is exciting news for Mexus and our JV Partner. The Initial ...
Continue Reading →Pregnant Solution Flowing from Pad 1 at Mexus’ Santa Elena Mine
CARSON CITY, Nev., March 13th, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB: MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) announced that from March 9th to March 13th, CEO Paul Thompson hosted Mexus advisor Paul Dent at the Santa Elena Mine in Caborca, Mexico. During their visit both Paul’s were able to observe leaching solution returning to the pregnant solution pond. This returning solution will increase in value and flow allowing the pregnant solution pond to sustain a 600 GPM flow to the ...
Continue Reading →Mexus continues march to production with installation of chemical treatment equipment
CARSON CITY, Nev., March 6th, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mexus Gold US (OTCQB:MXSG)(“Mexus” or the “Company”) announced that the company continues to move steadily towards first production. Regino Vargas of MarMar Holdings, Mexus’ JV partner, reported that as of March 5th the testing of the leaching circuit is complete with satisfactory results. ChemTreat Chemical Company is now on site and has delivered and installed the ML7640 chemical treatment equipment. This specialized equipment adds chemicals and maintains the leaching solution to ...
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